
Partner Sponsorships

We back you up!

Great partnerships take effort from both sides.

We invest in real partnerships and create alliances that survive and thrive. Become a preferred partner and work closely with our marketing maestros. Use our resources and grow your business together with ours.

We’ve got your back. From every angle!

Priceless Resources

Priceless Resources

Our Preferred Partners can now tap into the exact same in-house resources FinPros uses for their marketing operations. Grow your online presence and deploy a strong online strategy. A small army of marketing pros is here to help get things done right.

Check with your dedicated success manager how you can apply for this sponsorship scheme.

Event Sponsorships

Our team packs vast experience from hundreds of events in their careers. Whatever kind of event, whether online or offline, we’ve been there done that, and we've got a closet full of t-shirts. We work hand-in-hand with Preferred Partners every step of the way. Promotion, organization, and execution.

Event Sponsorships